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作者:學歷在線網(wǎng) 來源:學歷在線網(wǎng) 上傳時間:2019-12-10 16:53:03



  講座題目:Creating pest management toolbox for agriculture and food safety with reference to bionematicide pasteuria penetrans

  講座時間:2019年4月23日19:00-20:30 pm


  主講人:陳忠孝教授(Pro. Zhongxiao Michael Chen)


  陳忠孝(Zhongxiao Michael Chen),浙江農業(yè)大學(現(xiàn)浙江大學)學士、碩士,美國佛羅里達大學博士,美國農業(yè)部博士后。自2000年5月起從事美國農業(yè)部的小宗作物的農藥登記、優(yōu)良實驗室規(guī)范和質量保證工作,先后在密歇根州立大學的國家食品安全和毒理中心、昆蟲系任應用教授,現(xiàn)為美國中北部12州農業(yè)質量保證研究中心主任。陳教授在農作物病蟲害防治、綜合防治、農藥殘留、農藥生態(tài)毒理、昆蟲學、線蟲學、線蟲生物防治、食品安全、風險評估、小宗作物的農藥登記、優(yōu)良實驗室規(guī)范和質量保證等領域具有豐富經驗,現(xiàn)有小宗作物的農藥登記和殘留標準近10000多個。對美國的食品安全法、農藥登記法、小宗作物的農藥安全使用和標準、風險評估等有豐富的經驗和研究。對農藥的合理使用、抗性管理、復合制劑、病蟲害的全程管理有豐富的經驗和興趣。受邀在中國、美國、印尼、肯尼亞和泰國等國際會議或者國際培訓班做報告36次,為6個國際學術期刊的審稿人。先后取得過中國農業(yè)部的豐收計劃獎(2次)、農業(yè)部科技進步三等獎,發(fā)表論文近45篇,英國CABI出版社出的專著二本,近60個會議和學術報告和3200余技術報告。論文被引用超過650次。獲得聯(lián)邦經費超過1000萬美元。期望在國內能開展線蟲學、線蟲生物防治、化學防治的研究和教學,也希望能開展食品安全和農藥登記方面的合作和交流。


  In modern agriculture, farmers depend on safe and effective chemical pesticides that supplement their pest control practices to maintain crop yields and protect the health of animals. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) of the United Statesrequires that tolerances (or maximum residue limit, MRL) must be established for all pesticides used in agricultural food production. A tolerance is the maximum residue limit of the pesticide in or on the crop that is considered safe and legally acceptable which is also a food safety standard strictly enforced in both domestic and international markets.

  In 1963, the Inter-Regional Research Project #4 (IR-4) was initiated by the State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors and USDA Cooperative State Research Service aiming at providing pest management solutions to growers of minor crops. Currently, minor (specialty) crops make up about 46% of the totalU. S.agricultural production and value at $60 billion annually. IR-4 is the federally funded to conduct supervised field trials and pesticide residue analysis to provide the residue data needed for obtaining pesticide tolerances with US Environment Protection Agency (EPA).

  Beginning in 1989, EPA requested that all IR-4 projects of tolerance petitions be conducted under the stringent Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) Standards (40 CFR 160). The Good Laboratory Practices was implemented to place quality controls on study conduct and reporting of data to EPA and prevent fraudulent or criminal misconduct of studies. Currently, over 37 countries, mostly developed countries, adapted GLP standards in regulatory studies supporting pharmaceutical and agrichemical registrations. Collectively, IR-4 efforts yielded over 20,000 pesticide use registrations and tolerances on over 600 crops grown in US. IR-4 also contributed significant efforts in global tolerance harmonization to promote global food trades. The pest management toolbox developed by IR-4 played a significant role in integrated pest management and pest resistance management to secure food productions and food safety.

  At the research front, a compound pesticide named “Shiwenling” was successfully developed in China for controlling of rice plant-hoppers and rice sheath disease. A bionematicide, Pasteuria penetrans, was investigated for controlling of root-knot nematodes. The latter was eventually commercialized in U.S. and was the sole biocontrol agent ever successfully developed in the field of nematology.


  為吸引更多對WEF領域有興趣、有潛力的南農學子參與國際交流,培養(yǎng)具有國際視野的未來WEF領域科研人才,本系列講座設置交流專項獎學金,并以積分制歸入2019亞洲農業(yè)中心潛力學子培養(yǎng)計劃。積分前列的年度優(yōu)秀學子將獲得2020年為期4周的美國密歇根州立大學WEF研究方向暑期夏令營免費參與名額,為期1周的東南亞WEF國際會議免費參與名額等。詳見亞洲農業(yè)研究中心微信公眾號:Asia Hub。



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